Be Confident in Being Yourself


Too often, we lose sight of who we are. We get wrapped up in taking care of our spouses or significant others…our children…. responsibilities at work, that we begin to morph into something someone else wants us to be. I have had people tell me that I was too skinny, spoke too proper, was too quiet….but was it true? Not to me. Those traits were and are apart of who I am, and as I grew up, I learned that I do not need to apologize for being who I am. I just need to embrace it. Just relax and be myself regardless of who likes it and who doesn’t. If someone doesn’t like who you are, that’s ok. If they don’t agree with what you believe, that’s ok. If they don’t like the way you look, that’s ok. You are the way you are because there is only ONE you, and no one else can ever do it better. Be confident in being yourself. There will never be another you, so relax. Be comfortable in being yourself. Don’t change yourself to make someone else happy. Bring your wonderful self out in everything you do, and YOU be happy being yourself.